
Lysistrata cliff notes
Lysistrata cliff notes

lysistrata cliff notes lysistrata cliff notes

His plays were staged during Athenian drama competitions like those held during the City Dionysia and Lenaia, where they garnered prizes and fame for their robust, high-spirited poetry and incisive satirical wit. Aristophanes produced his first play, The Banqueters, in 427 BC, and would go on to write some forty plays over the course of his career in comedy, some of which we have in their entirety, many of which we have only in fragments. His father, a landowning citizen of Athens, was named Philippus. 570 BC) implemented sweeping democratic reform in the city-state. He was born in Kydathenaion, a deme or subdivision of Classical Athens, some fifty years after the Athenian statesman Cleisthenes (b. We know little of Aristophanes’ biography, and most of what we do know comes from his plays themselves.

Lysistrata cliff notes